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Friday, June 20, 2008

Quicks series from

Quicks Series from

Ninja Square - Episode 2

A new episode from

Ninja Square - Episode 1

An animation from Ninja Square, Episode 1

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Removing the top navigation bar of a blog

If you want to remove/hide the top navigation bar(Figure:1) of the blogger blog


Step1:Log in to blogger blog

Step2:Select Layout from your dash board

step3:Select Template tab from layout

step4:Click Edit HTML

In this section you can see your blog's HTML



Blogger Template Style

Name: Rounders

Designer: Douglas Bowman

date: 27 Feb 2004

Updated by: Blogger Team

----------------------------------------------- */

#navbar-iframe { display: none !important;}

/* Variable definitions


Copy red colored css defeniton between the codes,remove this code if you want to show navigation bar again.

How to create favourite icon for your website?

while browsing have you seen an icon before url like the following image ,this is called favorite icon,you can also give special icon for your website.this helps users to identify your website easily from favories of your web browser.

in this post i would like to briefly explain how to

give favorite icon to your website.

first you need to create an icon (

.ico) file of your logo for creating .ico files lot of free tools are available

in web one of them is Pixel Toolbox ,after

creating .ico file,upload the file into server,you can upload the file into root

folder of your server folder or in a special folder like images,icons..etc.after

uploading insert the following code between
<head> and </head> tags of your web page

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="images/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />

change favicon.ico with your file name


Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 beta is released.

Hello friends,Microsoft released internet explorer 8 beta ,ypu can download it Here , you can read new features from Here

How Do I Secure My Website?

Security Recommendations For a website

SSL Certificate

When you connect to a secure web server such as, the server authenticates itself to the web browser by presenting a digital certificate. The certificate is proof that an independent trusted third party has verified that the website belongs to the company it claims to belong to. A valid certificate gives customers confidence that they are sending personal information securely, and to the right place.

SSL certificates can provide you with non-forgeable proof of your website's identity, and customer confidence in the integrity and security of your online business. Customers are becoming increasingly aware of the advantages of SSL security and will often not purchase online from non-secure stores. All major web merchants use SSL security to encourage customers to buy online

An SSL certificate contains the following information:

The domain name for which the certificate was issued.

The owner of the certificate and the domain name.

The physical location of the owner.

The validity dates of the certificate.

Coding Recommendations

1.Run application with minimum previleges

To run with the minimum number of privileges needed, follow these guidelines:

Do not run your application with the identity of a system user (administrator).

Run the application in the context of a user with the minimum practical privileges.

Set permissions (ACLs, or Access Control Lists) on all the resources required for your application. Use the most restrictive setting. For example, if practical in your application, set files to be read-only. For a list of the minimum ACL permissions required for the identity of your web application.

Keep files for your Web application in a folder below the application root. Do not allow users the option of specifying a path for any file access in your application. This helps prevent users from getting access to the root of your server.

2.Guard Against Malicious user input

As a general rule, never assume that input you get from users is safe. It is easy for malicious users to send potentially dangerous information from the client to your application. To help guard against malicious input, follow these guidelines:

In forms, filter user input to check for HTML tags, which might contain script.

Never echo (display) unfiltered user input. Before displaying untrusted information, encode HTML to turn potentially harmful script into display strings.

Similarly, never store unfiltered user input in a database.

If you want to accept some HTML from a user, filter it manually. In your filter, explicitly define what you will accept. Do not create a filter that tries to filter out malicious input; it is very difficult to anticipate all possible malicious input.

Do not assume that information you get from the header (usually via the Request object) is safe. Use safeguards for query strings, cookies, and so on. Be aware that information that the browser reports to the server (user agent information) can be spoofed, in case that is important in your application.

If possible, do not store sensitive information in a place that is accessible from the browser, such as hidden fields or cookies. For example, do not store a password in a cookie.

3.Access data securely

Databases typically have their own security. An important aspect Web application security is designing a way for the application to access the database securely.

Use the inherent security of your database to limit who can access database resources. The exact strategy depends on your database and your application:

If practical in your application, use Windows Integrated security so that only Windows-authenticated users can access the database. Integrated security is more secure than using SQL Server standard security.

If your application uses anonymous access, create a single user with very limited permissions, and perform queries by connecting as this user.

Do not create SQL statements by concatenating strings that involve user input. Instead, create a parameterized query and use user input to set parameter values.

If you must store a user name and password somewhere to use as the database login credential, store them securely. If practical, encrypt or hash them.

4.Keep sensitive information safely

If our application transmits sensitive information between the browser and the server, consider using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

Use Protected Configuration to secure sensitive information in configuration files such as the Web.config or Machine.config files.

If you must store sensitive information, do not keep it in a Web page, even in a form that you think people will not be able to view (such as in server code).

Use the strong encryption algorithms.

5.Use cookies Securely

Do not store any critical information in cookies. For example, do not store a user's password in a cookie, even temporarily. As a rule, do not store any sensitive information in a cookie that. Instead, keep a reference in the cookie to a location on the server where the information is located.

Set expiration dates on cookies to the shortest practical time you can. Avoid permanent cookies if possible.

Consider encrypting information in cookies.

6.Guard against Denial of service threats

Use error handling (for example, try/catch blocks). Include a finally block in which you release resources in case of failure.

Configure IIS to use throttling, which prevents an application from using a disproportionate amount of CPU.

Test size limits of user input before using or storing it.

Put size safeguards on database queries to help guard against large queries using up system resources.

Put a size limit on file uploads, if those are part of your application.

For more information about security refer

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Web 3.0

Web 3.0 is a term used to describe the future of the World Wide Web. Following the introduction of the phrase "Web 2.0" as a description of the recent evolution of the Web, many technologists, journalists, and industry leaders have used the term "Web 3.0" to hypothesize about a future wave of Internet innovation.

Views on the next stage of the World Wide Web's evolution vary greatly. Some believe that emerging technologies such as the Semantic Web will transform the way the Web is used, and lead to new possibilities in artificial intelligence. Other visionaries suggest that increases in Internet connection speeds, modular web applications, or advances in computer graphics will play the key role in the evolution of the World Wide Web.

Views of industry leaders

In May 2006, Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web stated[1]:
“ People keep asking what Web 3.0 is. I think maybe when you've got an overlay of scalable vector graphics - everything rippling and folding and looking misty - on Web 2.0 and access to a semantic Web integrated across a huge space of data, you'll have access to an unbelievable data resource. ”

—Tim Berners-Lee, A 'more revolutionary' World Wide Web]

At the Seoul Digital Forum in May 2007, Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google, was asked to define Web 2.0 and Web 3.0.[2] He responded:

Web 2.0 is a marketing term, and I think you've just invented Web 3.0.

But if I were to guess what Web 3.0 is, I would tell you that it's a different way of building applications... My prediction would be that Web 3.0 will ultimately be seen as applications which are pieced together. There are a number of characteristics: the applications are relatively small, the data is in the cloud, the applications can run on any device, PC or mobile phone, the applications are very fast and they're very customizable. Furthermore, the applications are distributed virally: literally by social networks, by email. You won't go to the store and purchase them... That's a very different application model than we've ever seen in computing.

—Eric Schmidt

At the Technet Summit in November 2006, Jerry Yang, founder and Chief of Yahoo, stated:[3]
“ Web 2.0 is well documented and talked about. The power of the Net reached a critical mass, with capabilities that can be done on a network level. We are also seeing richer devices over last four years and richer ways of interacting with the network, not only in hardware like game consoles and mobile devices, but also in the software layer. You don't have to be a computer scientist to create a program. We are seeing that manifest in Web 2.0 and 3.0 will be a great extension of that, a true communal medium…the distinction between professional, semi-professional and consumers will get blurred, creating a network effect of business and applications. ”

—Jerry Yang

At the same Technet Summit, Reed Hastings, founder and CEO of Netflix, stated a simpler formula for defining the phases of the Web:
“ Web 1.0 was dial-up, 50K average bandwidth, Web 2.0 is an average 1 megabit of bandwidth and Web 3.0 will be 10 megabits of bandwidth all the time, which will be the full video Web, and that will feel like Web 3.0. ”

—Reed Hastings

Web 2.0 Defenition,Charecteristics and Associated Innovations

Figure1:a tag cloud constructed by Markus Angermeier presenting some of the themes of web 2.0

Figure2:Web 2.0 Meme Map

Web 2.0 Web 2.0 websites allow users to do more than just retrieve information.
They can build on the interactive facilities of "Web 1.0" to provide "Network as
platform" computing, allowing users to run software-applications entirely through a browser.
A Web 2.0 website must include:
1. CSS
2. Folksonomies (collaborative tagging, social classification, social indexing, and
social tagging)
3. Microformats extending pages with additional semantics
4. REST and/or XML- and/or JSON-based APIs
5. Rich Internet application techniques, often Ajax-based
6. Semantically valid XHTML and HTML markup
7. Syndication, aggregation and notification of data in RSS or Atom feeds
8. mashups, merging content from different sources, client- and server-side
9. Weblog-publishing tools
10. wiki or forum software, etc., to support user-generated content
11. Internet privacy, the extended power of users to manage their own privacy in
cloaking or deleting their own user content or profiles.
Associated innovations:
It is a common misconception that "Web 2.0" refers to various visual design elements
such as rounded corners or drop shadows. While such design elements have commonly been found on popular Web 2.0 sites, the truth is that the association is merely one of fashion,a designer preference which became popular around the same time that "Web 2.0" became a buzz word.
Refer Oreilly and Wikipedia for more information

Web 2.0 funny video

Hi guys watch this funny video.
Adorable !!

How to avoid computer related health problems

This post is not related to technical aspects,here i would like to post some facts for avoiding computer related injuries.The computer is an essential equipment in many different occupations. However, long periods of working at a
computer can increase the chance of developing a health problem or an injury.
Muscle and joint pain
Overuse injuries of the upper limbs
Computer Vision Symptoms
Pain in the buttocks
Pain in the shoulders
Pain in the neck'
Pain in the knees
Pain in the fingers
eyestrain can result from inappropriate computer use. The risks can be
reduced or eliminated with proper desk arrangement, improved posture and good working habits.
The following figure shows you how to sit at a computer for avoiding the above problems at an extent

in addition to these maintain a comfortable temperature in your work area .

Happy working